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--> Clusters for High AvailabilityA Primer of HP Solutions【電子書籍】[ Peter S. Weygant ]|prime solutionsについてネットアイドル100人に訊いてみた

<p>The expert guide to high availability clusters for HP-UX, Linux, Windows 2000, and Windows NT.</p> <ul> <li>The start-to-finish guide to high availability clustering</li> <li>Includes ways to maximize enterprise application availability-and minimize cost</li> <li>Completely updated for the latest tools, technologies, and applications</li> <li>Describes high availability solutions in HP-UX, Linux, and Windows environments</li> </ul> <p>Business-critical applications require higher availability than ever before-and today's high availability systems rely on clustering as a key strategy for maximizing reliability and robustness. In <em>Clusters for High Availability, Second Edition</em>, Peter S. Weygant covers all three pillars of successful high availability computing: robust technology, sound computing processes, and proactive support. He addresses every aspect of delivering high availability clustered systems: terminology, architecture, implementation, management, monitoring, and beyond. Coverage includes:</p> <ul> <li>Fundamental concepts and components associated with high availability clustering</li> <li>A 14-step checklist for assessing your high availability needs</li> <li>Clustering techniques for HP-UX, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Linux</li> <li>Clustered storage, backup, and network infrastructure solutions</li> <li>Practical techniques for building "disaster-tolerant" systems</li> <li>State-of-the-art cluster replication, monitoring, and management tools</li> </ul> <p>Weygant presents several brand-new case studies, including an Oracle Parallel Server application providing 5nines:5minutes protection; a high availability brokerage application built using a continental cluster; and a storage area network solution designed for an Internet service provider. The book also contains an extensive glossary.</p> <p>If you're responsible for delivering high availability, <em>Clusters for High Availability</em> is the comprehensive, up-to-date blueprint you need.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 3,805円