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--> Prime SolutionsPrime Numbers【電子書籍】[ Colin Whitehead ]|prime solutionsについてネットアイドル100人に訊いてみた

<p>SOLUTIONS TO PRIME CONJECTURES. The new {@ 2017} equation revealed in the Book PRIME WAVE with other information from that book is used herein to SOLVE some of the Prime conjecture, which have been made over the millennia. The NEW Equation defines the Prime Number Series to infinity proving they are not random and explains exactly why the unusual PRIME DISTRIBUTION gaps exist as they do. The author proves that each Prime generates two waves, which intertwine, a little like a strand of DNA and demonstrates that each Prime forms infinitely long strings. The interference pattern of intertwined waves EVOLVES as Primes are added. Why not found before? The pattern length for JUST the first 9 Primes it is over 200,000,000,000 long. Theoretically, in 30 iterations, the equation could EXACTLY PREDICT every single Prime to {1E+448,790,528} ? all you need is a G**** big computer. Herein the Conjectures fall apart with these new insights. Author’s background includes Engineering Management in Silicon Valley creating state of the art electronics for commercial, military and space applications. Also see joint Patent <strong>US4939522</strong> see: patents.justia.com/inventor/colin-j-whitehead See primewave.eu.pn/</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
税込価格 559円