--> Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis【電子書籍】[ Andrew D. Miall ]/ニートでもわかる! nana ASINの基礎知識


Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis【電子書籍】[ Andrew D. Miall ]





<p>Over the past five years there have been many advances in the field of basin analysis. Developments such as the publication of new stratigraphic codes; new research in fission-track dating; evolution of thought regarding the importance of tectonic versus eustatic controls of regional and global cycles; and refinements of geophysically-based, basin-subsidence models have necessitated the publication of a second edition of <strong>Principles of Sedimentary Basin</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong>. Like the first edition, this book emphasizes the stratigraphic evidence which geologists can actually see in outcrops, well records, and core samples and can gather using geophysical techniques. <strong>Principles of Sedimentary</strong> <strong>Basin Analysis</strong> is both an excellent text for students and a practical handbook for professional geologists.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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